Category: Philosophy & Society

  • Embracing the Freedom (and Responsibility) of Life

    Embracing the Freedom (and Responsibility) of Life

    You Are What You Do—Literally Sartre says it plainly: we are condemned to be free. That sounds paradoxical, but it’s his way of saying we don’t have a pre-determined “essence” or nature that defines who we are before we start making choices. Unlike a rock, which just is, humans have the unsettling burden of deciding…

  • Fear, Lies, and Living Through the Spectacle

    Fear, Lies, and Living Through the Spectacle

    In 2024, we find ourselves living in a world where anxiety is not just a side effect of modern life but a daily weapon used against us. Fear has become the currency of power—manipulated, exaggerated, and repackaged in ways that amplify the most unsettling aspects of our existence. We are bombarded by stories so extreme…